Frequently Asked ​ Questions

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​Yes, credit training is legal and our credit education and document processing services will help you to use the law in your favor. That law is called "The Fair Credit Reporting Act." The FCRA gives you the right to dispute any item on your credit report. If that item cannot be verified within a reasonable time (usually 30 days) it must be removed. Studies have shown that 79% of all credit reports contain errors. This is nearly 8 out of 10 reports. Therefore most credit reports improve immediately. For items that disputed that are not errors, a creditor or furnisher is often unable to find the records or signed documents within the allotted time and the item gets removed. Sometimes the furnisher will say it has been verified by not offering proof. It is our job to prepare documents that challenge this and we are very skilled at that.

You are entitled to a 100% refund on all monthly payments if:
- You do not remove more than 25% of all the negatives worked on.
- You have had six months from the time you retain our services.
- You have at least four negatives on the credit report at the time of sign-up.
- You have not used a credit-consulting agency nor attempted to repair your credit two years previous to signing up for our services.
- You agree to send updated reports from the three credit bureaus to us within 5 days of receipt.
(Clients should receive updated credit reports every 15-45 days. It is the client's responsibility to make us aware if updated reports have not been received).

There are two sides to the credit score battle. Sometimes, the creditors and the credit bureaus have done absolutely everything right and we have no case against them. On average, clients are able to remove 70% of the negative items from a credit report.
Items cannot come back as long as the item is current or paid at the time of removal or if the collection is older than three years. This holds true except in very rare circumstances.
With our assistance and document processing, our clients have had great success with bankruptcies, foreclosures, collections, charge-offs, repossessions, medical bills, credit card debt, inquiries, late payments, old addresses, judgments, tax liens and student loans.

Don't Hesitate To Contact Us Any Time You Need

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